glass powder concrete ppt

Glass Powder Concrete Ppt

Waste glass powder as partial replacement of …

01-06-2017 · The glass powder replacement in cement was varied (0–25%). Mix proportion of concrete is shown in Table 6. Firstly, stone chips and sand were dry mixed for a minute. Appropriate quantity of glass powder was blended with cement in a separate container and then incorporated into the aggregate matrix (mixed earlier).

partial replacement of fine aggregate by glass …

Experimental Plan In this work, 5%, 10%, 15% ,20% and30% of fine aggregate is replaced by glass powder for M20 grade concrete. Cube specimens of size 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm were casted for different proportions with glass powder and compared with the properties of concrete prepared without glass powder (control mix). Compression test was performed on the concrete after 7,14 and 28 days …

Glass Powder – A Partial Replacement for Cement?

increase in glass powder concentration will decrease the strength of concrete. Future Research 1) Determine the effect of glass powder on concrete with the replacement of combination of coarse and fine aggregate. 2) Replacement of cement with glass powder in different water cement ratio.

315 Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete PPTs View free ...

Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) Market by Characteristics, Analysis, Opportunities and Forecast To 2025 - This report researches the worldwide Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) market size (value, capacity, production and consumption) in key regions like North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (China, Japan) and other regions.

Project on partial replacement of fine aggregate …

13-03-2019 · Civil engineering project Civil project work on concrete Final year civil project on sand replacement in concrete with 10% glass powder and 10% rice husk ash.

Replacement of Sand by Sheet Glass Powder in …

Scarcity of sand and environmental hazards caused due to the depletion of sand has led to the discovery of new materials for its replacement. Many materials have been discovered to replace sand and have yielded positive results. Glass is one such

Experimental Study On Replacement Of Cement By Glass Powder

The glass powder was tested with concrete and mortar. Cement was replaced by the glass powder in the proportion of 5%, 10% and 15%. The compressive strength, split tensile strength, consistency and flexural strength were conducted for the above replacements. The result showed glass powder improves the mechanical properties. The

Properties of high volume glass powder concrete ...

However, the high volume glass powder concrete retained distinct resistance against water and chloride ingress, due to the reduction in pore size and connectively. Reductions of 77%, 83%, 96%, 91% and 92% were observed respectively for water penetration depth, sorptivity, conductivity, chloride diffusion and migration coefficients in concrete with cement replaced by glass powder by 60%.

Performance of Using Waste Glass Powder In Concrete As ...

Keywords: Waste glass powder in concrete, workability of concrete and standard mixture of concrete- I. INTRODUCTION As we know that now day, most of developing country facing shortage of post consumers disposal waste site and it’s become very serious problems.

Concrete - LinkedIn SlideShare

Concrete should be well cured for a period of atleast 10 days. USES: Lime concrete is generally used for the sake of economy in foundation works, under floors, over roof and where cement is not cheaply and easily available in required quantity. 9. TYPES OF CONCRETE AND ITS USES CLASSIFICATION ACCORDINGTO DESIGN OF CONCRETE (1) Plain cement ...


01-09-2020 · Concrete is a construction material composed of cement, aggregates (fine and coarse aggregates) water and admixtures. Today many researches are ongoing into the use of Portland cement replacements, using many waste materials like pulverized fly ash (PFA) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS). Like PFA and GGBS a waste glass powder (GLP) is also used as a binder with …

(PDF) Use Of Glass Powder As Fine Aggregate In …

Glass powder (GP) used in concrete making leads to greener environment. In shops, damaged glass sheets & sheet glass cuttings are go to waste, which are not recycled at present and usually ...

(PDF) Waste Glass Powder as Cement Replacement …

01-11-2014 · The pozzolanic reactivity of waste glass powder was experimentally studied at cement replacement levels of 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60% by weight. Results revealed that the concrete …

Effect of Glass Powder on Geopolymer Concrete

centage of glass powder and which is then compared to pure fly ash based geopolymer concrete free from glass powder. Here workability test, compressive strength test, and split tensile strength test have been conducted on different concrete mixes. The fly ash is replaced by glass powder at percentage ranging from 0% to 25% with an increment of 5%.

Experimental Study on Concrete Using Cement With Glass Powder

Glass powder was partially replaced as 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% and tested for its compressive, Tensile and flexural strength up to 28 days of age and were compared with those of conventional concrete; from the results obtained, it is found that glass powder can be used as cement replacement material up


Cement manufacturing industry is one of the carbon-dioxide emitting sources beside deformation and burning of fossil fuel. The global warming is caused by emission of greenhouse gages, such as emitted Co2 to the atmosphere. The global cement industry

Effect of Glass Powder on Concrete Sustainability

The effects of glass powder on the concrete properties are compared to those of other mineral ad-mixtures such as class FFA and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS). A. Zidol et al. 36 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Materials Coarse aggregates …

Polymer Concrete PowerPoint PPT Presentations - …

Global Polymer Concrete Market– Industry Trends and Forecast to 2025 - Global Polymer Concrete Market is expected to reach USD 767.5 million by 2025, from USD 44.1 million in 2017 growing at a CAGR of 7.20% during the forecast period of 2018 to 2025. The upcoming market report contains data for historic year is 2016, the base year of calculation is 2017 and the forecast period is 2018 to 2025.

Effect of Using Glass Powder in Concrete

4. Glass: Waste glass available locally was collected and made into glass powder. Glass waste is very hard material. Before adding glass powder in the concrete it has to be powdered to desired size. 5. A. stone composition Table 1. stone composition of cementing materials Composition (% by mass)/ property Cement Glass powder Silica (SiO

US7413602B2 - Production of glass powder from …

A clean dry glass powder useful as a substitute for Portland cement in concrete, in paints, and for other known uses for glass powder produced conventionally can be produced from unsorted post-consumer waste glass, including a subsatantial fraction of non-glass items, by employing glass pulverizing equipment to reduce waste glass to small fragments, allowing removal of trash, employing a ...

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