Photon Belt Approach

Photon Belt Approach

Photon Belt | Photon Energy Revelations

15.07.2019 · The photon belt is an immense region of space that is radiating intense electromagnetic radiation throughout the visible spectrum and beyond, into high-frequency invisible light, even including some x-ray spectra. It is part of a magnetic flow of light throughout the galaxy. Reference has already been made through the media to huge …

Photon belt - RationalWiki

02.09.2019 · The Photon belt (aka The Rings of Alcyone) is a nonsensical idea carried by some New age and pseudo-scientific groups. The central belief is that the Earth will soon pass through an immense ring of photons which are orbiting the Pleiades star cluster, or specifically the largest star Alcyone. When the Earth passes through this belt either the world is going to come to an …

The Photon Belt: The Coming of a New Age - …

(Mary Sutherland) In 1961 science discovered, by means of satellites, a photon belt encircling the Pleiades. This photon belt * circles the Pleiadian system at an absolute right angle to its orbital planes. As our sun (and we with it) orbits the Pleiades once every 25,860 years, it reaches the midpoint of the photon belt approximately every 12,500 years. It requires some …


16.03.2019 · In 2012, our solar system began entering the Photon Belt. As the Earth passes through this belt of photons, it will result in humanity’s elevation to a higher plane of existence. Authors Virginia Essene (born 1928) and Sheldon Nidle wrote that the Photon Belt represents a temporary window for spiritual transition during which time humans can reach a higher level of existence…

Photon Belt - GalacticFederation-NaplesFL

The photon belt is an immense region of space which is radiating intense electromagnetic radiation throughout the visible spectrum and beyond, into high-frequency invisible light; even including some x-ray spectra. Reference has …

Planet Earth meets the Photon Belt - …

Signs of the approach of the Photon Belt are said to be strange lighting effects or colors in the sky, a perception of less light - even in midsummer, and a gradual darkening of the planet itself, with final entry into total darkness taking 15 - 20 …

The Coming Of A New Age - The Photon Belt

The photon belt, a huge torroid shaped object composed of photon light particles, was first discovered by your scientists in 1961 near the vicinity of the Pleiades by satellite instrumentation. The reality is that your solar system and the photon belt are moving toward each other [and will merge sometime between March, 1995, and the end of 1996].

Photon Belt Ascension 2020: Energy Signs & …

26.08.2015 · The Photon Belt is a spiral formation that our galaxy passes threw as it goes around its orbit of the galactic center. It is also known as the Photon Band, and many spiritual people believe that the Earth will enter this band for …

what are your thoughts on the photon belt and …

In due time, as we approach the null zone of the Photon Belt, these make-believe realities which have been thrust upon Us by those who put us here, will disintegrate, leaving us naked, vulnerable and exposed. This will represent the …

Photon Belt?

09.08.2006 · Photon-Belt heißt wörtlich übersetzt soviel wie "Photonengürtel". Hab mal danach gegoogelt und dann Seiten wie diese gefunden. Alles so Wahrsagezeugs, nachdem dieser Gürtel die Erde treffen soll und das dann der Aufbruch in ne neue Dimension wird

>photon Belt Wave on Approach. -->>get …

30.12.2008 · re: ->photon belt wave on approach.-->>get prepared! It would be sensible to have some sort of information on this photon belt wave. otherwise this thread is …

photon belt - Wiktionary

06.08.2017 · Noun []. photon belt (plural photon belts) (New Age) A mythical dangerous belt of photons emanating from the Pleiades that will collide with the Earth in the near future according to New Age mystics.1993 — "According to many ancient Mayan esoteric beliefs, Alcyone is the central star of the Pleiadian star system, and our sun is the outermost star of this system.

The Photon Belt is raising OUR Frequency as WE …

21.12.2012 · The Photon Belt is raising OUR Frequency as WE approach the Galactic Dawn Our DNA is being “upgraded” as we approach the Galactic Dawn within the Photon Band, occurring approximately every 13,000 years at each half …

Photon Belt and the Coming Golden Age - …

17.02.2019 · Photon belt. The photon belt is said to consist of three elements. First, there is the null zone, a region in the photon belt where matter and antimatter particles collide to create photon streams. This is the place where the electromagnetic fields of our star system will be neutralized. Next is the main region of the photon belt…

Moving with the Pleiades Photon Belt - …

We are learning to be ready to be a co-operative part of this ordered plan as we approach the Pleiades Photon Belt entry. As we approach each has the free choice to make choices that will suit the co-operative movements of peace. Since 3 November 2010 all humanity is in the “fruition stage of Galactic Day 7”. Each one will bear the fruit of their “movements”. We have been the ...

Dunia Metafizik dan Sufism: Photon Belt - Inside …

As the fourth day approaches, the climate starts to warm in a fast pace and the brilliant light will return. The Photonic Effect that started towards the end of the third day will be now in its plenitude. You will be able now to use photonic energy equipment. All living beings will be invigorated by the photons that spring up from the main part of the Belt; you will have entered …

Photon Belt (Soprano Sax) von Walking Eagle bei Amazon ...

Entdecken Sie Photon Belt (Soprano Sax) von Walking Eagle bei Amazon Music. Werbefrei streamen oder als CD und MP3 kaufen bei

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